As a home inspector, it’s my goal to test and understand the various systems and components of your current or future home. I’m able to do so thanks to years of hands on experience in the building industry and by utilizing knowledge passed down to me from leaders in their respective fields. My goal is to pass some of that knowledge on to you, so that you better understand the home you live in.

  • Home Inspections

    Our goal is to help you make an educated and informed decision about your potential dream home. We provide you with an unbiased detailed report that includes everything from common maintenance issues, to extensive repairs, and potentially hazardous conditions.

  • Radon Testing

    Radon is an odorless and invisible gas that seeps up through the ground. It is found in every state and is estimated that 1 in 15 homes has high levels of radon. After smoking, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in non smokers so it’s important to make sure your not overly exposed.

  • Arial / Drone Inspections

    Inspections can be dangerous. Often times a roof is too high, materials are too delicate to stand on, and some things are simply out of reach or unsafe to inspect up close and personal. Thanks to modern technology we’re able to get eyes on some of those hard to reach places.

  • Maintenance Inspection

    In order to help you avoid expensive surprise repairs and give you ideas on how you can keep your home in tip top shape, we offer home maintenance inspections. These can be customized to your personal needs.

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